Andrew Hoefling

Speaker | Mentor | Coder | Leader

New machine and new project means getting to test drive a new way of development Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms applications. I have a clean Surface Book 2 running Windows 10 that I installed the latest and greatest version of Visual Studio 2019 and JetBrains Rider 2018.3.4. After configuring my emulators and everything in Visual Studio, I load up JetBrains Rider and nothing seems to work correctly. Why does it work in Visual Studio 2019 but not JetBrains Rider?

Managing project dependencies can be complicated, from handling shared libraries, 3rd party libraries, homebrew libaries and forks of open source libraries. There is a need for just about every project regardless of size to manage these libraries with a Package Manager. Fortunately most 3rd Party Libraries are on NuGet or some other public Package Management feed so we don’t have to manage them. Getting your private packages on your own private NuGet server is now easier then ever and with the tools built into VSTS you can create automated builds that deploy changes to your libraries to that package management server.