Andrew Hoefling

Speaker | Mentor | Coder | Leader

New machine and new project means getting to test drive a new way of development Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms applications. I have a clean Surface Book 2 running Windows 10 that I installed the latest and greatest version of Visual Studio 2019 and JetBrains Rider 2018.3.4. After configuring my emulators and everything in Visual Studio, I load up JetBrains Rider and nothing seems to work correctly. Why does it work in Visual Studio 2019 but not JetBrains Rider?

AppCenter Push Notifications is an exciting new technology for handling Push Notifications in any mobile app. I use AppCenter quite a bit with my Xamarin projects so using AppCenter was a natural choice.

This is Part 2 in a 3 part blog series discussing AppCenter Push Notifications