Andrew Hoefling

Speaker | Mentor | Coder | Leader

DNN has powerful User Management controls, but sometimes you need to use your companies Azure Active Directory configuration or Office 365 credentials (those are really the same). This provides a robust integration with your organization and whatever content you are trying to serve with DNN

At Microsoft Build this week (May 6th) the App Center Team announced new features that allow you to use App Center to manage your Authentication and Data. As well a more complete Push Notification story if your App outgrows the capabilities of App Center. AppCenter is trying to be your 1 stop for everything Mobile and with the addition of these new features they are doing a great job!

When you set out to create a new web application in ASP.NET you have 2 major choices:

  • MVC
  • Web API

Today we are going to take a look at creating necessary APIs for user authentication.

  • ASP.NET Core Identity
  • Authentication
  • Saving Cookies
  • Generating Tokens
  • Create Scaffolding for Web API