Andrew Hoefling

Speaker | Mentor | Coder | Leader

C# developers experienced with WPF, UWP, Xamarin.Forms, Uno Platform and anything that involes the ICommand interface are familiar with async void. A quick trick to call Task based asynchronous methods that interact with some type of User Interface interaction. We all know this is bad, but still implement code this way because it doesn't cause immediate problems.

STOP IT! async void is bad

Xamain.Forms contain many Animations API that is accessible in the shared code. Most animation sequences can be leveraged in the shared code reducing the need to implement any platform specific code to handle animations. Scaling animations can add a lot of context to your sequences that provide context to your animations.

When building a test framework it is sometimes useful to be able to write test code against DbSet<T> objects. Since DbSet<T> implements IDbSet<T> it is relatively easy to wire up a mock for your entity. Before we jump in let’s go over an important concept in the Moq framework.